There comes a time in the pondering individuals life in which he must ask himself "How do I know I exist." This is a question which many want to avoid because they cannot seem to formulate a cohesive answer as they are treading a thought process not required in everyday life. However I have undertaken the task of answering this question which I have found myself asking.
Around us we experience many things, all of which can very easily be attributed to us creating a world to live in to stave off the boredom. This is a bit of the inspiration for works such as The Matrix, however if we are creating our own realities then who is to say that any person exists. I understand that I am typing this and that maybe it will be viewed, but how do I know that they are not simply amalgamations of my mind and meant to give me gratification or criticism. This is the question we all must ask ourselves "is there anything which can define reality?" The answer? No, we live in our own realities everyday (assuming that there is more than one consciousness), we take experiences in our own ways and have vastly different paths.
The issue of identity becomes apparent and really can only be summed in a way that has already been done before by more pretentious people. We have no idea if anything is real but take solace in the fact that no-one is sure of what is going on if this reality is not real. In order to accept that we are real we must have one person who we regard as real present us with the same authority. Once we have a mutual contract with our fellow man we can be certain in our love for this reality, even if it is false. Humans are considered social creatures who thrive on the interactions they have, this is because it is proof to us that we exist, if only in our mind and world.
This entry was spurred by my viewing of a character which conveyed a sense of pointlessness to actions which one deems as human and ended on the note that we are nothing more than ideas. I sat pondering this idea and came with these findings, I hope you enjoyed this diatribe of self actualization and I will see you in my next post.
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